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Thank you for coming to You will find as you navigate through the pages in the site, there is an ABOUT page which tells about the main character of the site, this informative why? page and the BLOGS. The blogs are written to inspire, encourage, inform and share with the writing community at large. Our intent is for you to keep coming back as we continue to do blogs that will help keep you writing your story, your book, your whatever writing in order that we, the world big or small, hears from you.


What the world needs now are original stories, books that make us think again, change our lives and keep us looking hopeful and happy in a world that challenges hope and happiness in all faces and places.

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Our Story


We say this Hebrew word all the time in greeting everyone. First of all, like our friends who love to play with language liked to say, "Hell is a low place." But more than that, shalom is a word loaded with meaning. Most know it to mean, Peace or Goodbye. In its more rounded, deeper meaning however, it refers to perfect completion. Thus, when someone says, "Shalom," he or she is not only wishing you peace, but completion in all you think, say and accomplish. It's like saying, "May you find fulfillment in all you undertake and/or set your mind and/or heart to."


Shalom is also a greeting that affirms, "It is done; it is well done." It's a word to encourage, to get the hearer to not feel worried, stressed, doubting or afraid. You know as in the oft repeated responses, "No worries," "no problem," "You're fine."


Originally, the objective of the site was to simply have a presence as a writer in the event that an agent may come to visit or an editor or another writer in the business of helping out a writer with an accomplished manuscript. However, as you will see when you read my blog, "How to Enjoy Rejections," I realized it is important to communicate with as large a community as possible of writers of all genres in order to keep us all on track, determined to advance the dialogue whatever we perceive that valuable dialogue to be in whatever written form we choose to convey it.


You will see also in the companion 'About page' that me and my husband love to travel, and have been blessed to travel rather extensively. I say "rather" since once when we were in Beijing we met a man whose USA passport had so many added pages that it looked like a book. He said he had been in every country in the world except 6. Now he was a consummate traveler! Our travels have been more mission based. Rahim wanted to experience climbing the major spiritual mountains of the world and we only have a few remaining on the bucket list. We'll see. As a result of experiencing so many cultures in the world, it has filled my heart and soul with the necessity of writing about those sights and sounds.


Our heart goes out to the YA community for reasons I attempt to write about in the blogs. But primarily because they do hold our future in their vulnerable hands and because we owe it to them to leave one for them.


We hope you enjoy the site and find it meaningful and valuable. Best of all, may it bless your soul.


We love you in advance of knowing you,


Louvenia, Rahim and Phoenix.


Ps. Louvenia has the luxury of writing full time while Rahim and Phoenix work day jobs as well as night and week end jobs editing, proofreading and helping to get the work done and all the books present and future out. We are a team with this goal in mind.




I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

918-764-8825 Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA

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